I live in Gawthorpe, Ossett, West Yorkshire where, on Easter Mondays, they have a Coal Carrying Championship. This year was the 48th and the first I'd watched. My daughter's children took part in the 8-10 year olds races. Lewis came 5th or 6th in his race while Robyn came 2nd in the girls. The children carry a small plastic bag with sand in. Both women and men run 1,108 yards, mostly uphill, the women carrying a 20kg sack of coal while the men carry 50kg. (Apparantly there were approx 2,000 people watching the race). Gawthorpe also still celebrates May Day with a procession and May Queen, this year is the 139th celebration.
Lewis is wearing the brightly coloured shorts
Robyn is on the left of the photo here; you can see how far ahead the girl is who won.

The Maypole can be seen in this picture.
The theme for this week's Sunday Stampers is 'Wings'. I've made what I call a puffy tag ;-) It's a canvas tag which has been stuffed.