It's that time of the week again the one where WOYWWers show what's on their workdesk. I haven't got any WIPs this week; I haven't done any crafting since going to the ICHF show in Liverpool last Saturday (if you want to see what I bought see previous post) I haven't shown my full desk for a while so decided it was time to rectify that. It's not too bad really, though there are things that haven't been moved for weeks that should've been. I know some of you will have seen my entries for the Sunday Stampers challenge which is 100 this week. Hels who runs it has a MEGA candy giveaway and as the theme for this week is 'Free as a Bird' you can do any artwork/craft you like so long as there's at least some stamping on it. If you want to bare your soul along with your desk pop over and visit the delightful Julia and join us, it's all good fun ;) I know some of you have seen my completed entries for SS before but as some other WOYWWers asked to see them I'm showing them again. Have fun :)
EDITED Please Note: I left a comment on Julia's blog 'cos I couldn't upload my pics (would only let me upload pics from my blog, from a URL or a Picasa Web Album. I've reverted to the old editor for now but if anyone can help with this problem I'd be most grateful :)
EDITED AGAIN - Post editor sorted - see Esmes comment (I'm off to linedancing now so will visit more WOYWWers tomorrow) x