Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is this weird? or what?

Yesterday a film popped into my head it's called 'I Confess' and is about a murderer who confesses to a priest, but as the priest cannot divulge this he is himself accused.  Then today I'm watching 'Diagnosis Murder' and it's about the same thing!  Just coincidence?  What do you think?
dododododododo - supposed to be spooky music LOL


Kay said...

Oooh, does that mean you're psychic... or psycho?! lol

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

LOL, it is a bit of a coincidence isnt it! hugs Heidi xx

Cheryl said...

oh no can you read minds as well lol x

Nicci said...

Well, that is a bit freaky! x