If at first you don't succeed! Lots of pics so if you just want the recipe for Tiffin fast forward to the end ;-)
I love the little slices of life we get when Elizabeth is 'out and about' so thought I'd do a similar post. As I was in York yesterday for the monthly meeting of our cloth doll group I thought it was an ideal opportunity. We were sadly depleted by about half yesterday. 2 of the pics show 2 vessels that members were working on, one completed one almost completed. I cut mine up (shown a couple of weeks ago) and have decided to sew it onto some background fabric and may make a purse. One of our members had been to Turkey and bought some beads at £1 per pack, the packs are about 6 inches long so a real bargain - hope I find some when I'm there next month :-) There's also a pic of a doll in progress - not mine. I've included a couple of pics of York St John University where we meet.
York is a walled city and you are able to walk round the walls. You can just see some people walking along the wall in one pic. There are 4 gates through the walls into the city one of which I'm showing here. York Minster is an impressive piece of architecture and took 250 years to complete. It has been ravaged by fire a few times, most recently in 1984 and took 4 years to repair the damage. It's currently undergoing some renovation. I've included a pic of a statue of Constantine the Great which is situated outside the minster; he was Roman Emperor in York in 306 AD.
The last few pics are small ones, but the rest you can click on for a larger view.
Can anyone tell me why the text keeps aligning itself in the centre? Can't believe how much HTML code there is when you go into 'Edit HTML'! For the most part the pics placed themselves where they wanted! If I tried to move an odd one it always jumped to the bottom of the post, that's why the pics are higgledy piggledy :-/
Finally - Tiffin! I've never met anyone that didn't love it :-) I'm showing the cards I'd received up till Saturday, I've received some more today so may add them tomorrow. Thank you for all your good wishes and to all those who sent cards, it's very much appreciated. It's Chrissie's birthday today (just to let you know she's a year older than me ROFL) so why not pop over and wish her happy birthday. It's also Angela's birthday on Wednesday and Nicci's on Saturday ;-)
1/2 lb digestive biscuits
3 oz butter
1 tabs syrup
1 tabs cocoa powder
1 tabs sugar
2 tabs sultanas (I use raisins)
4 oz chocolate
Put all ingredients in a pan, except digestives and chocolate, and melt slowly crush the digestives and add them to the mixture give it a good stir to ensure biccys are all coated then turn into a tin (magic eh? - turning it into a tin!!! duh!) or whatever. Melt the chocolate and pour over.
Hi Anne
That is one place I would love to visit very historical and lovely buildings, love the look at that cake must copy the recipe, where's your doll?.
Christine x
What lovely photos of York. I have been a few times and I always have a good time. Have also been to Little Betty's. Lovely cakes. Must try your recipe for Tiffin. Glad you had a great time. Kathleen x
Hi Anne, lovely piccies of York, have always wanted to go there, I will one day, lol!
Please show us some photos of your doll. Great cakes and thanks for the recipe, it looks scrummy.
Hugs Heidi xx
Great photos - I like York. Don't think I knew they had a "little" Betty's though.What a nice of lot of cards you got too.
Simply gorgeous photos of York and your craft group. I was in total awe because I have never seen photos from York before. Really lovely. I got a kick out of the guy playing the piano in the street. He's taking "street musician" to the max. Your friend got a whale of a bargain on those beads, too.
I've been to your post three times and this is the first time I could post a comment. I have a possible bit of help in the way of posting photos. In "compose mode," be sure you are "left aligned." If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what to tell you. I will say, I love your day out. It was so much fun joining you on this adventure.
Hope your birthday was happy. I see you are pretty popular from all the cards you got. And what in the world are "digestive biscuits?" Amazing our language barrier (grin).
oh wonderful post hun and the photos are wonderful never been myself,and the cakes look just yummy too hugs cheryl xxxxx
I love York...erm... I would being a Yorkshire lass though LOL Can't help you with the HTML hun, I always do my posts in compose, upload the pics and then copy and paste them to where I want... have tried the other way and it frazzles my little brain cell ROFL Looks like you had a fabby time x
Glad you got your card Anne, sorry, have no credit on my phone. Haven't been to York for ages should take DD. Oooooh, that tiffin looks scrummy too, don't like baking but may be able to get DD to make some while she on jollies from school.
Ah Anne, what a fab post, loved the tour of York, I don't think I'll get there soon but it's SO on my list! Little Betty's looks great doesn't it - love the idea that they theme the cakes and things!
York! Oh How I LOVE YORK! you lucky things meeting there although I don't know if I could craft I would have to SHOP! I love the little shops in the shambles.
The beads do look a bargain! and lovely photos
Love Dawn xx
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