We had a fantastically messy playday yesterday at the doll group. As I've explained before although ostensibly a cloth doll group we do much more, yesterday being a case in point. The work? (I question the use of that word 'cos it was pure fun :-)) we did yesterday was the result of some of the member; our leader included; having attended a workshop with the author of the book
'Get Plastered, Plaster, Print, Stitch' I don't have the specific recipe for the plaster mix but it's basically a dollop of white emulsion paint, a dollop of PVA glue and enough plaster to mix to a single cream consistency, though in fact ours was thicker and worked fine. Then we took a strip of calico and painted areas with the mix adding texture in the form of lace, string, bits of thread, stamping into it (you can use rubber stamps but wash immediately) etc. You can also stitch into the calico first then pull some of the stitches out after plastering - of course you can do anything you like but just giving some ideas if anyone would like to try but may be stuck for ideas. On one of my 'squares' I've added a piece of textured wallpaper but on another just used a piece of textured wallpaper underneath the fabric while painting the plaster mix on; you could use your stamps in this way without having to clean them but I think you would need a stamp with a strong outline to show up.

Then paint with any medium you like; if using acrylic paints they need to be watered down well to a runny consistency. I've used Brusho (see end for description) on mine and added a little mica powder in places once dry. My pieces are far from complete, I'm going to add some stitch and embellishments, maybe some images etc You are meant to iron on the back when it's dry, though I'm not sure what this achieves as it didn't appear to make any difference.
I've done 11 'squares' altogether (the top 2 pics)
BRUSHO is a form of transparent watercolour available in an extensive range of exciting colours, supplied in small drums containing dry, crystalline powder. They mix instantly with cold water to produce a painting medium that is renowned for it's versatility.
Oh my! these are amazing Anne! Sounds like they are great fun to make too. Can't wait to see the finished article.
BTW, love your mini quilts from the last post too, they are gorgeous!
Sounds like you had fun, waiting to see what you do with the squares. Technique might be good for a play day!
Pat xx
sounds and looks like you had great fun making these, beautiful colours.
Chris x
Oooo love this Anne, beautiful colours and sounds really exciting to make. BTW the supplier for Brusho is based in Sheffield and I've been a couple of times to buy other thing, might have to buy some Brusho.
oh lovely colors and very interesting technique! I can see you had lots of fun! Lovely work!
gracious Anne - that paint description applies to you:
a painter that is renowned for her versatility! people will want to buy you ( and definitely your art work)
oh hun your creativity is just amazing always love seeing what you are up too just brilliant hun,hugs cheryl xxx
oh and I thought it was going to be about a night on the town LOL!!
Sounds like you had fun without any drink! these are beautiful the colours are really dreamy.
SWounds like you had a fab day. What lovely colours. Have a good week. Kathleen x
Hmm...where did my comment go?? Oh well, here it is again!!
'wow, where was I when all this fun was going on??? Dog sitting two hairy dogs, that's where! I think on my next Wednesday desk there'll be sculptured dog poop I think...(oh I hope not!)
I love this technique. You know if it's a way to do surface work on fabric, I'm going to want to try it. However, I really DON'T understand a few things. Is emulsion paint the same as acrylic paint? If not, I wonder if gesso would work. And did you have to mix the plaster you used or was it pre-mixed? Do you paint over the plaster? If not it looks like it must be a resist to the paint/watercolor.
If you want, you can send me an e-mail at hfsolutions at juno.com or you can leave a message on my blog. Sorry I don't seem to understand "English" very well (grin).
OOh this looks amazing - I love the colors and the effects. I know that my children have some brusho at their school - maybe I should sneak in and nick a bit - they'll never notice LOL!
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