What is WOYWW? Check Julia's blog to find out and then join in - simples! Mine's reasonably tidy, unless you look at that jumble in the centre of the desk at the back, I just keep piling bits on there and very little of it has been moved for a couple of weeks, just the top few bits to look for something :-> I had a tidy up on Sunday and since then have just been working on my '12 Tags of Christmas' a la Tim You'd think it would be easy following his instructions but there are so many items he uses that I don't have and which I'm not going to buy; sometimes I have a reasonable substitute; and that then involves a lot of faffing while I try something that doesn't quite work and have to try something else - you KNOW how it goes I know you do! The tag on the cutting mat is a prime example; it was finished but last night (or rather the early hours of the morning) I decided I dind't like the baubles so pulled them off. Talking about the early hours of the morning, I couldn't sleep last night and got up twice (on the computer the first time then a little crafting the second time) and was awake till after 6.30!!! I got up at 10 :-/ I had a night out last night but was home by 10.30 pm. obviously tooooo much excitement at my age LOL
We're out tonight and it'll be about 10 when we get home!! Your desk is looking good - considering the amount of stuff you could have out for Tim! I don't know about his other skills, but he sure is the king of piling on the product!
You're right, it's very tidy! Like you I was up in the early hours, also on the computer then crafting... it must be catching!
My desk only shows the bit in the middle, I didn't dare take a picture showing the whole of my desk!
Desk looks fab darling , your like me one pair of scissors is never enough got to have them all out for different things
Have fun
hugs Susie xx
A lovely looking desk ... for making lovely looking tags ... shame about your lack of sleep though ... hope you get caught up today ... in fact that pile of stuff looks quite comfy ... you could always put your head down for a power nap X
your desk looks great.. I starting to make one of tims tags but i just didnt have the right stamp, yours look great!!
Hugs norma
Oh I had a night like yours only I was a good girl and finally went to sleep after 2. Pants isn't it?
I think we all have those piles; mine is on the top of my printer.
Well done on the tags, I've only done the one xx
Blog Hopping then crafting lol I totally understand that
I've been following the 12 days too I pretty sure that when I read the 1st post he said that the rest wheren't going to be as full of things .. I need to win a lottery just to keep up with everything he adds to them lol
hugs Nikki
Your tags are wonderful too
Tim is quite amazing really - all those techniques and styles! But it is definitely NOT my style - I don't like all that faffing about! ;-)
It must be something a lot of us are suffering from at the mo. Busy heads creating all day and they wont let us sleep at night. Last night was a poor one for me too.
A x
Your desk sounds just like mine Anne……..more and more stuff comes out of the cupboard on to the desk and the space I work in gets smaller and smaller.
The tags are looking great and I really love the Blue reindeer one, really pretty. I may jus have to go have a look at Tim’s instructions myself.
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