I couldn't sleep last night so was on here about 3.30am this morning :-O I was going to post some cards I made recently but by the time I'd sorted out the Javablu award and read and forwarded some emails I decided to leave the cards till later. I still couldn't sleep and was awake till after 6am, then woke up a couple of hours later, then agan about an hour later, then was finally woken up at 10.45 by something that sounded like an alarm of some sort, but whatever it was was in transit as it faded.
Just a little more about what I've been up to before I upload the piccies ;-). I went linedancing on Wed night then tap dancing yesterday morning. When I got home I was feeling tired so had a lazy day watching TV while doing some needlefelting on my tree lol. It's a challenge I'm doing for the cloth doll group I belong to. Some members have finished theirs but mine's got quite a long way to go as the needlefelting is quite time-consuming.
Finally to the cards then - 2 baby boy cards and a handbag card for my great-niece xx