Monday, March 1, 2010

An award - how wonderful ;)

I got this award just over a week ago, but unfortunately I've been having problems with my PC - keep getting kicked off internet and having to reboot each time before I can re-connect so everything's been taking ages.  So firstly thank you so much to the lovely Paula who is a new internet pal and fellow WOYWWer - see Julia's blog for more on that ;)  I have to pass this on to 5 other bloggers, write a top ten list of things that make me happy and 5 pieces of trivia about myself.  Here goes:

10 things that make me happy, in no particular order:
1. Grandkids
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Crafting
5. Dancing
6. Sunny days
7. Holidays
8. Playing games
9. Cadbury's Creme Eggs hehe
10. Blogging

5 pieces of trivia
1. I can whistle fingers in the mouth style - 2 or 4 fingers ;)
2. I've been on a jet-ski
3. I went para-gliding once
4. My school was next door to John Lennon's (though he left the year before I started)
5. I know that kangaroos can retract their testicles LOL

I'm passing this award on to:
1. Wilma,  longtime internet friend and she makes me laugh
2. Tracey another longtime internet friend and companion at many craft shows, also a recent member of the WOYWW cult
3. Julia our wonderful hostess for WOYWW, her posts always bring a smile even when she's having a rant
4. Spyder for being a friendly blogger
5. Linby alanother friendly blogger pal


Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Anne thanks! I love that the success and friendliness of blogworld features so well in your lists. And, erm, don'tyou know some interesting stuff! Will codgitate a bit before I spring any of my ghastly surprises!

Mandy said...

Hi Anne
This is so fun. Especially the trivia.

Linby said...

Hi Anne

thanks so much for this - I appreciate it. Your second list made me laugh, not sure I can come up with one quite so good.

Linby x

Spyder said...

aw thank you Anne!! That's soookind of you...will go and blog about it now!!

Wilma said...

Cheers Anne, can i just take this and refer back a couple of weeks to another one i did answering questions?♥